Sunday, December 23, 2012

A homeless holiday

So, what is a homeless guy going to do on the holiday?  Well . . .

I am already at the church I clean, and there is nobody here.  Therefore, I am going to try to clean the church as fast as I can and then get some sleep.

The YMCA opens at 5 a.m., so I will head over there to get some exercise and shower.  That will take about 2 hours.

At 7:30 a.m., the Comfort Dental chain offers free dental work, so I plan on heading over there to see if I can get some cavities filled.  They are open until 11:30 a.m.

When I leave there, I will probably go to a movie theater.  I will pay for one movie and then try to sneak into others if I can.  I need to waste enough time to avoid returning to the church until after 9 p.m., when Christmas Eve services are finished.

I will clean fast and sleep at the church.

For Christmas Day, I have no idea what is going to be open.  I will attempt the WalMart and maybe a mall.  If the WalMart is open, I will start working on my frugalista report comparing WalMart to Target to King Soopers.  If the WalMart is not open, I will drive to the nearest mall to see if it is open.  Otherwise, I have no idea what I will do on Tuesday.

The church is having a dinner, so I cannot return to the church until after 2 p.m.  Hopefully, it will be safe to do that, especially if I can find no other place to be.

I really need to make a few decisions:
1)  Should I keep looking for a job or just get my businesses started?
2)  Will either be easier if I have an apartment or buy a van to live in?
3)  I supposed another important question is do I want to move back to Wisconsin?  Or maybe even somewhere I have never been?  Because I really, REALLY need to get out of this shit hole named Colorado Springs.

---Update 1---
I have done the preliminary cleaning of 3 of the 5 hallways and decided to take a break.  I was originally going to nap, but I remembers there is week-old pasta in the church's fridge, which I was invited to eat by the youth activities leader.  Therefore, I nuked a bowl of pasta and wrote this update instead of napping.  Well, back to work.

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